Stories 13 Jul, 2020

The Powerful Social Media Strategy That Every Business Owner Should Know! (Step-by-Step Guide)

生活不在于你正在哪里, 在于你正在往哪里去。

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Digital Marketing for Business: DO NOW or DIE LATER

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If you think the statement is exaggerated, you are underestimating the role of Digital Marketing, or more worrying, you have no idea for what is Digital Marketing.

Digital Marketing means any marketing efforts leveraging on digital channels, such as mobile applications, emails, websites, search engines, YouTube or social media platforms.

The term “Digital Marketing” also broadly covers the sub-categories such as Email Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Content Marketing, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), Google Analytics (GA), Pay-per-click (PPC), Display Ads and more.

(Picture Source: Online)

An example of “how Digital Marketing works” is how you have been directed to this page:

You were probably swiping your Facebook, saw the post, clicked into it and “Boom”, it brings you here; if not, have you not typed in the keywords to Google and the search result lead you to this?

The process of how you have been redirected to this page is the demonstration for the concept of Digital Marketing.

Social Media Marketing

With the social distancing measure still in place (and high chance it will continue to be in place if the Covid-19 stays), people spend a long hour on social media to follow their friends’ stories and news updates. So, leveraging social media platforms effectively is now more important than ever as we enter the new normal. 

Question is: which social media platform is the best to use?

 (Picture Source: Online

#1. Facebook: A Must-Have Social Media Presence

 (Picture Source: Online

Being the first social network that surpassed 1 billion registered accounts and currently sits at almost 2.5 billion monthly active users, Facebook is considered the most effective platform to reach out to the mass audience. (info source)

Whether your business’s goal is to promote brand awareness, build customers’ loyalties, engage with the communities, introduce new products/ services, collect registrations for webinars or events; Facebook has the largest ready pool of users waiting for you!

According to Jenn Chan, there are basically 7 Steps to Establish Facebook Marketing Strategy

1.       Set the goals for your Facebook Page – Do you want to promote brand awareness, community engagement or sales lead generation?

2.       Find out who is your target audience to determine your marketing strategies

3.       Publish your post at the best timing to engage with your audience

4.       Schedule the content for your Facebook Page, example: Info post on Monday, graphics post on Tuesday, video post on Wednesday, write-ups post on Thursday and edited photo post on Friday.

5.       Determine the Facebook Ad Strategy. Choose the demographic, gender, income group, interest group or the criteria that best matches with your promoting items.

6.       Promote Staff Advocacy

7.       Track & analyse your result to determine if the Step 1 to Step 6 need to be finetuned.

#2. LinkedIn: For B2B Model or Business Targeting High Net Worth Profile

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LinkedIn is one of the best places to meet professionals and connect with them. Over 65 million professional use LinkedIn to cultivate their careers and businesses, building strategic relationships instead of just being “friends” like on Facebook. (Info Source)

You can think LinkedIn as a virtual networking environment for businesses and experts.

According to Honey Singh, there are 5 steps to promote in LinkedIn:

1.       Grow Your Network by Adding Quality Connections

2.       Set up Your Company Page

3.       Plan for Goal driven contents to reach your audience effectively - LinkedIn has a publishing platform that allows users to publish blog posts and gain the opportunity to have their content read by thousands. The published posts will show up on your profile, which will increase your credibility in the related fields that are relevant to your professional experiences.

4.       Create a Relevant Plan for Your Newsfeed

5.       Choose and Join the Right Group!

#3. INSTAGRAM: for the Young, Trendy, or Sophisticated Group

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Is your business mainly targeting the Gen-Z? Instagram then!

75% of the users on Instagram are between ages 18-24, this is the group that wants instant gratification because they know- if they need information, it's easily accessible. Some of Gen Z's favourite brands are Google, YouTube, Netflix, Spotify, Amazon, Nike, Oreo, Wendy's; they appeal to these young consumers because they do more than just brand positioning, they have a voice!  (Info Source)

Neil Patel suggested 10 steps to grow your followers on Instagram.

1.       Switch to IG Business Profile

2.       Use the free IG tools to view statistics like the number of impressions and engagement data.

3.       Post product teasers that will (gently) urge people to buy

4.       Create sponsored ads

5.       Use Instagram Stories

6.       Partner with influencers for a wider reach

7.       Collect user-submitted photos

8.       Come up with an interactive branded hashtag

9.       Post at the right times (but don’t overdo it!)

10.   Track the right metrics

Bring Your Business Up to the Next Level!

(Picture Source: online)

Now you have the step- by- step guide to set up marketing strategies for Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram; next is to create the contents and start generating leads & sales for your business!

Content is the KING!

Content is the key to how much your posts are being liked, shared and talked about.

Often businesses followed the step-by-step guide to set up social media marketing but still failed to nail because they have forgotten the importance of the content.

Most of the business owners think “everyone can create a nice picture or write a good story” so they choose to DIY.

The real secret is, an effective content is more than just drawing and writing, it inspires, motivates, and drives your targeted audience to click into the link or pick up the phone to call, and to achieve this, it requires marketing perspectives and understanding of the buyer’s journey, sales funnels, and keyword research.

If you are ready to grow your business and branding but has limited resources for content creation, try to check out MOpress Content Marketing for the ready solutions, MOpress Content Marketing is offering a Free RM50 credit & RM1,800 value worth content marketing services to the first 100 sign-ups, so make sure you check it out before its too late!

Click HERE for more info. 

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